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Questions to Metallika Inc.
Founder and CEO – Venkatesh Padala
Part 3

On June 21st METALLIKA community participants had a chance to talk in person in the frameworks of the AMA session with the person, who stands for the DAO METALLIKA project and who sees the great benefits of using blockchain technology in the mining industry – Venkatesh Padala. A lot of interesting questions were asked during the session and we will start posting answers in our blogpost.

View part 2

Question 11: We're all aware that there have been several data breaches and thefts; how might Metallika help to lessen the chances of this happening?

Our technical team is currently working on that and we are putting every single effort to ensure that there will be no data breaches and security issue in our DAO.

Question 12: Ambassadors play a very important role in every project. Do you have an ambassador program? If yes please share it with us?

We might do it but we will get into details at the later stage.

Question 13: What is the vision/objective of incorporating the centralized mining industry into Blockchain?

Right now it is very centralized. The whole object is to make it decentralized. Obviously, we won’t cover the entire industry for 100% but we will definitely work on that.

Question 14: Is This project only for elite investors, how about others with small funds, is it open to everyone?

The project is not only for elite investors, but it is opened for everybody.

Question 15: Does your project do any mining other resourse than granite, sand, graphite, such as gold, coal , oil, it does not, have you thought of mining in the future?

Yes, at this stage we are looking primarily at graphite, lithium and beach sand minerals but we will be looking at partnering with other minerals as well. Because the whole concept of Metallika is to bring on board any companies or any customers, who is linked to mining in some way or another. So, yes, it might be other minerals.

Question 16: Considering that Blockchain in general is not yet an acceptable conduit, worldwide. How does Metallika intend to work with government regulations in countries which have a certain mineral, Metallika would want to mine?

That’s quite an interesting question. It is one of the challenges in terms of how we could work with government regulations in countries, which have a certain mineral that Metallika Inc. would like to mine. As you know many countries have got a lot of mineral assets and getting a government on board could be challenging but once they would see the benefit of mining for the county and their economy, I am sure, they will start cooperating. And once we get governments buy-ins, obviously, the companies that are involved in mining industry in these countries will start joining our DAO, not by the forcing them to do so but by offering them better partnerships with the governments, ventures and operationists that regulate local mining operations.

Question 17: Which one of the following is the most important for you?
1.Expanding Partnership Globally
2.Increasing Token Price & Value.
3.Empowering Platform Development
4.Building Community Trust

I would say – all of them, because they all go hand-in-hand. Expanding partnership globally would help us to increase revenue, which automatically increases the token price and value. Obviously, the token price and value have got to go up in this case – because the project would raise in minds of investors, stakeholders and DAO users.
Empowering platform development and building community trust are the key elements that we are working on.

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